Monday, 28 September 2009

Lacking teh grind

I haven't played much solid poker in the last 2 weeks, I've been running bad and tbh can't really be bothered at the moment. I've got my first coaching session at the end of October and I really want that to be at 50NL, so I need to have some stabs at that first. I'm just bored of 25NL, I'm just a little underolled for 50NL at the moment, but wanted more than 20BI. I guess with a coach who's destroyed these limits 20 is fine, but I just wanted comfort.

I've decided to take some days off, and begin grinding again on Thursday or Friday, 1st/2nd October, fresh start. I wanna take some shots at 50NL by the middle of October, so I'm prepared by the end for the coaching. I moved some of my roll to Cake to grind some HU, but the rake was appaling, plus I ran kinda bad, so I gave some 6max a try and it was soft as shit, so soft that I've started giving the players absolutely no credit, thus spewing money here and there.

Time to start focusing again imo..

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Yo Taylor...

..l'm real happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! I found it funny, and what's even funnier, is the amount of people taking it personally, threatening to never buy anything Kanye again. Lol, get a life plz.

So I've stepped up my hunt for a coach, my first original choice was FenderJaguar, before I came across Grindcore on PokerSavvy. (Btw, bad news on the Grindcore front, after his BBV topic last week (which in case you didn't see), he's no longer accepting students, why the fuck didn't I approach him when I first came across him 2 months ago!) Anyway, I spoke to FenderJaguar and he explained that he charges too much for what it takes to beat 50NL, which was very honest of him, and he recommended me to one of his old students who's now coaching, alewis21. I've asked him about rates and availability, and if I like the sound of his course if you like, I'ma go with him. Ama0330 will probably be my next choice, I was impressed with the videos he put out on PokerSavvy, plus he's also recommended by Grindcore.

As for my game, I've focused a lot on hand reading in the last few days, accurately putting villains on tighter and tighter ranges and have made a few good decisions based on what I felt they were holding. I've been focusing a lot more when I play aswell which has helped, I've cut the spew out completely I hope and just tried to play a solid winning game, which is working out. I'm almost rolled for 50NL, which I will be when I get my next RB payment tomorrow plus the taketwo promotion at the end of the month (what a sick fucking promotion btw).

Is all for now, I'm off to grind.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Cleared Stars, IronMan still possible

So I finished clearly Stars's 15k FPP $200 bonus last night (this morning, 5am counts right), so now I've deposited on FullTilt and activated the $600 bonus, I can withdraw from there too, instead of using the shitty 2+2 P2P transfer system which is so annoying. So many people want FT for Stars, and no one wants Stars for FT, there's like a ridic ratio, everyone was posting asking for the same as me, when fortunately someone picked me, ain't I the lucky one 8-) ..

So yeah, depo'd at FT and have until mid January to clear the bonus, which will be no problem. I plan on using the $600 to invest in Grindcore the coach. I've been thinking about it for about 6 weeks now and figure he can pick some holes in my game seeing as he grinded the same stakes as me and moved up very quickly, so he's probably the most recent on the market too.

Not much else to talk about, I think I gotta start focusing on my play again cos I'm wiening off the good play and starting to go back to the FPS in certain places, like trying to make hero calls. Also had a job interview last week, they'll let me know if I get it on Thursday, keep your fingers crossed 2+2r's!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Fuck IronMan, just for this manth!

So in the first 10 days of the month, I qualified for ironman every day. Then I realised Stars are doing the instant cash bonuses, and I'm 1k FPP's away from getting the $200 bonus, so I'm in the process of moving my roll back to Stars to clear that as quickly as possible, and will then redeposit back on FullTilt and take advantage of their $600 deposit bonus, which is nice.

I've decided that I'll use the $600 to invest in Grindcore/EpicFoldGuy, which if you don't know, is a coach @ PokerSavvy. With a sick redline, I hope he's gonna transform my current weak/tight game, because that's pretty much what I am. I want experience in 3bet pots and how to play them, and also playing back at the regs, I don't do it enough and miss a ton of value, so hopefully he can teach me a thing or two. I'm currently downloading all his videos at PokerSavvy, so we'll so how they go and I'll make my decision in the next month or two, also got my eye on a couple of other coaches.

Month has gone okay so far, swingy still but the 7bb/100 goal is still get-a-ble, right now it's 4bb/100 with that sick downswing I had, so hopefully I can get it close to 7bb/100 soon.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Moved to FT and my current downswing

So I moved my roll to FT for this month for rakeback, then realised that Stars are doing the instant cash bonuses, so I'm 1kFPP's away from the $200 bonus, so at some point month I'm gonna move my roll back across, get that 1k, get the $200 bonus, and then deposit at FT again and clear the $600 bonus. Then I'll probably move it to Absolute Poker and clear a bonus there, I've heard it's super super soft.

I've put in about 10k hands so far this month, breakeven including rakeback. I started well, winning at about 9bb/100 over 6k hands and then my downswing hit. I've played real solid but lost had several coolers one after another. HEM says I've above EV but that's only because of some combo draws or me re sucking out, it doesn't take into count the amount of times I've ran AK into AA or KK, or got QQ in vs AK and lost.

I'm happy with how I've played though, but I've still got some big leaks in my game. 3bet pots give me trouble as I have trouble assigning ranges, especially when I have like AK OOP and I 3bet, they call and the flop is something like; 752r; what the fuck do I do here? If he's not paired up then I'm ahead, and I never get better to fold, so I just check/fold here a ton, probably being bluffed a whole bunch too.

I've got to work hard on my game because I'm breaking even at 25NL over about 45k hands and it's starting to piss me off.