Saturday, 10 October 2009

Start of Month Review, w/ graph

...Maybe adding "w/graph" will get some more lookers and comments!

So my goal this month was to start taking shots at 50NL, which I have, kinda, but only about 1.5k hands. I think I'm down about 2BI, (PTR has me down 4 :/), but haven't got the hands in my HEM at home 'cos they're at my sisters, but 25NL has gone well, and I've ran like shit. 6k hands, 7bb/100, but 6BI under EV. How sick, in 6k hands! But yeah, small sample but I'm starting to kill there, and I'm definitely a lot more confident in my game.

I'm looking forward to getting stuck in at 50NL, but I want to have a comfortable BR for it, I don't wanna have just $1k, move back to 25NL when I have $800, rebuild and lose it again, I wanna set myself a big limit, but at the same time I'm eager to get crackin' with it, so we'll see.

I'm just playing 50NL when I feel refreshed and ready to focus, otherwise I play 25NL when I've not as fresh or willing to sit and concentrate like a hawk. I've obviously got an edge at 25NL so it's capable, but I don't wanna make terrible decisions at 50NL because I'm not focusing, like when I reraise shoved over a fished pot bet on 99xK board and he showed K9, lol.

My hand reading is getting a ton better, and my discipline in folding is also better. Having watched a lot of videos and saying "wow, how can you fold that there, he's made like 3 small bets." It kinda hit me that these are the spots which cost me $$$, and also small spots that don't make sense but I'm not prepared to risk high variance by making the correct move, which is to get super aggro, so I definitely need to stop worrying about losing $$$ if i think it's the right move at the time, I guess I have to start trusting my reads a lot more.

So here is my 25NL graph for the month, as you can see, if I ran on EV, my graph would be shagable imo, but meh, not a lot I can do. I'm happy I've plugged some mental leaks, and am making the correct decisions and reads, so aslong as I stick at teh gameplan, I'll be fine.

Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Hi man, how many months did you stay at 25nl and how many hands till you built up your roll for 50nl?

    ps you have the link to my old blog (pkk-blogger) can you update to
