So my goal this month was to start taking shots at 50NL, which I have, kinda, but only about 1.5k hands. I think I'm down about 2BI, (PTR has me down 4 :/), but haven't got the hands in my HEM at home 'cos they're at my sisters, but 25NL has gone well, and I've ran like shit. 6k hands, 7bb/100, but 6BI under EV. How sick, in 6k hands! But yeah, small sample but I'm starting to kill there, and I'm definitely a lot more confident in my game.
I'm looking forward to getting stuck in at 50NL, but I want to have a comfortable BR for it, I don't wanna have just $1k, move back to 25NL when I have $800, rebuild and lose it again, I wanna set myself a big limit, but at the same time I'm eager to get crackin' with it, so we'll see.
I'm just playing 50NL when I feel refreshed and ready to focus, otherwise I play 25NL when I've not as fresh or willing to sit and concentrate like a hawk. I've obviously got an edge at 25NL so it's capable, but I don't wanna make terrible decisions at 50NL because I'm not focusing, like when I reraise shoved over a fished pot bet on 99xK board and he showed K9, lol.
My hand reading is getting a ton better, and my discipline in folding is also better. Having watched a lot of videos and saying "wow, how can you fold that there, he's made like 3 small bets." It kinda hit me that these are the spots which cost me $$$, and also small spots that don't make sense but I'm not prepared to risk high variance by making the correct move, which is to get super aggro, so I definitely need to stop worrying about losing $$$ if i think it's the right move at the time, I guess I have to start trusting my reads a lot more.
So here is my 25NL graph for the month, as you can see, if I ran on EV, my graph would be shagable imo, but meh, not a lot I can do. I'm happy I've plugged some mental leaks, and am making the correct decisions and reads, so aslong as I stick at teh gameplan, I'll be fine.
Good luck.
Hi man, how many months did you stay at 25nl and how many hands till you built up your roll for 50nl?
ReplyDeleteps you have the link to my old blog (pkk-blogger) can you update to