Thursday, 27 August 2009

No more grinding until September

So I've decided to take a couple of days off. I withdrew $150 from my $750 roll to buy a couple of pairs of jeans and I ran bad pretty bad after that. I played very bad aswell, for the first time ever I shoved in anger with a gutshot and villain snapped with AJ high, and he held. I was just running so bad, getting so infuriated with getting c/r on the driest of boards, all my cbets were being called down, and I wasn't in the mood to adjust to it, I was just feeling so annoyed at the time.

I finished watching Unconventional Wisdon the other day aswell which was a sick series, prolly gonna give it another watch some time as I missed a lot out, but I feel I learnt a bit from the series on the whole, and next up, 'What Would Joe Tall Do'? I like what I've seen of it thus far, so it looks good.

I'll set my goals for September now as I wanna get straight into it when it comes around, I wanna watch a whole series before then and just refine my game a little as it's gotten a little stale imo.
  • Beat 25NL for over 7bb/100.
  • Play at least 25k hands.
  • Watch at least 2 video series'
I feel 7bb/100 is a start, I had a rocky month and came out on top before my swing/bad play, so if I can work on my game a little and refine so rough edges, it'll give me a good base to work on and eventually crush it, little steps I guess.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. u fkin know who ;e27 August 2009 at 22:04

    in b4 busto 8-)

  3. Yeah really was a good series, especially Vanessa's sections. And lol, will do knowing where it came from.

    And Prem, lol. Ship teh $25 imo.
