Sunday, 31 May 2009

Fuck Varience and Fuck 10NL

Every single hand I had this evening, was 2nd best. I lost 2 BI's as I quit out of frustration, I could have tilted (I did tilt and quit immediately), and losy a hell of a lot more. I had QQ twice, AK were the first 2 cards on the flop each time, everytime I had AK, i 3bet pre, miss the flop, cbet and get raised, these aggro donks that think ultraaggresion is the way to win are starting to annoy me, especially when I they bet EVERYTIME you check instead of cbet.

And donk bettors, why do it? Seriously, why? I 3bet pre with AK, flop comes Q76tt, they min bet, I raise and they call, and they do it again on the turn, I flat, then the flush hits the river and they insta-shove.

Everytime I move back to 10NL I seem to run like shit it's a joke.

PlatinumStar Baby!

Finally did it, banged up 5 SnG's, knocked out in the first one as I got blinded out early, didn't get any cards and while multi-tabling, I lost count of the blinds and eventually saw I had 400 chips left and got caught out, then the next one I went out in 4th, I finished 3rd in another while getting the other two to heads up, losing while starting way ahead, and the winning the other one while I was starting with a 2,000 to 13,500 deficit, doubled up twice and ran the show from there on it.

Will probably play a little tonight, but won't play much tomorrow or Tuesday.

Grinding SnG's

So I have recently suffered some serious burnout and haven't played much in the last week, I've just been playing set of 6 $1 SnG's while I'm bored and downloading some videos from DeucesCracked, and it's been going well. Played about 45 and have a 20% ROI which is obviously okay, I don't see it a long term thing, but it'll never hurt to have an edge in SnG's too when I'm bored and what not.

As you may have just read, I have subscribed to DeucesCracked too, I've watched quite a few video series os far and I must say it's definately helped a little, especially implied odds. Prime example, I'm in the SB with 44, it's folded to the BTN who makes a standard 3.5x raise, I'd usually flat here and set mine if we're both effectively the villains stack is 20-25x bigger than the raise, but realistically, what is flatting acheiving here? Call and fold any flop that doesn't give me a set, this is spew? 3bet or fold, simple, the villain's range is so wide on the BTN or CO that I can 3bet here and usually take it down, or I could have the best hand on the flop 70% of the time and still fold, it just doesn't make sense if I don't 3bet or fold here.

I've also got 14VPP's left to get before I get Platinum, I'll update that when I hit before bed!

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

10NL Failure, rebuilding the roll

So I got to $240, decided to have a 4BI shot at 10NL which started okay but got coolered for 4BI, QQ vs. KK, set over set, set vs. straight and another BI with a couple of progressive folds in spots I felt I was beat despite putting a lot of money in.

I rebuilt my roll back to about $200 and took a little shot again, and again, lost to a couple of donk 2 pairs, it really frustrated me. I'm close to PlatinumStar, just gotta grind out some more VPP's for the month but with me being busy tomorrow and working on saturday, I need to get a move on.

I'm gonna grind the $1 DoN's for VPP's tonight, I'll get them quicker with a tiny profit but aslong as I reach Platinum I'll be happy.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

[X] 2 outered by 3 villains, plus other hands

The 2 outer was the final hand, FML.

The above hand, don't ask me what, I had felt like I was gonna hit a jack on the river, I genuinely knew I was gonna hit it and felt like I can bust his flush or naked trip aces.

Friday, 22 May 2009

[ ] $100 Day. FML.

Ahh, so close to my first $100 day. I got to about $97 and picked up pocket kings, villain min raised me to where 4bet and min 5bet me, so I shoved obv, 6JQ hit so I figured I was beat here unless he had AK or KK for a split, and sure enough he flipped over AA and I lost, but I was close none the less.

$200 would be rolled for 10NL but I wanna get to $250 (25BI), moving down when I get back to $200 (20BI). It's a bit tight BRM but I don't wanna have to deposit again and I wanna have a decent padding at 10NL just incase something gay happens or something.

Today was a very good day.. [/NWA reworked]

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Dropped to 6 tables

So I decided to drop from 12tables down to half, 6ables, to great results. I've had a good day so far, $40 profit in about 2k hands just 6tabling and I feel like I'm playing with a lot more focus, I'm able to put villains on better hand ranges and make better calls/folds because of it.

I definitely think I'm gonna cut out mass tabling for quite a while, I want to move up and learn more a lot quicker than I am instead of just building a roll for 10NL and above, and I feel like I can advance more as a player the sooner I get to 25NL, so I'd rather get there by playing less tables than mass tabling and going on autopilot, but while learning at the same time.

Today was a good day ... [/NWA]

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Horrible Day

Didn't play at all yesterday, played about 800 hands today, and I lost 2BI. I got my overpairs cracked I think about 5 times, so overall I did well, I was just running well below EV, so my roll is at about $105.

Quite disheartening considering it was close to $200 last Friday..

Sunday, 17 May 2009


Eggh! Bleugh! Fuck it!

Horrible 2 days, really bad, from a $170 roll and taking shot backs at 10nl, it's down to about $110 after some horrible beats combined with some horrible play at 10nl. Looking back over some hands, they were gross, disgusting, I can't describe them, I don't even want to show them, puke everywhere, projectile vomit Theme Hospital stylee, eugh, bloatey head, *shakes head quickly*.

Will probably take tomorrow off from playing, in the afternoon at least.

Thursday, 14 May 2009


Ok, so I gave 10NL another shot and got coolered twice, the BTN flopped an invisible straight, 97s, flop came 68Tr, so obviously this isn't so good even with a set of 8's, villain checked behind, river came an A so I lead straight out, he raises and I shove and turns over the straight and makes the backdoor flush on the river just to rub it in, other one was AA vs. 22 AIPF.

So after losing 2 over 500 hands I decided to move back to 5NL and 12table for an hour or so, stuck in 1.5k hands and won 2.5 more BI so I'm just ahead from where I started. I'm going to 12table 5NL until I have $250 just to be safe, I like mulit-tabling and just chilling out with some music so I'll do that tomorrow, saturday and probably sunday if I can, and see where I am on Monday and Tuesday.

Gonna look into a DeucesCracker Membership too in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

10NL Not So Good

So I took some shots at 10NL earlier, generally the play was just as bad, I picked off many river bluffs while value betting galore on my big hands. There were 3 or 4 bad hands where I lost a BI and gained them back through grinding small pots, and generally they could have been avoided.

Because I spot villains trying to be more aggressive, I seem to try and stoop to their level. Turning my hand into a bluff at most opportunities, re-raising scare cards and trying to bluff them off pots like they do to me, I think I need to settle down and just play my own nitty game.

I've got 17BI's for 10NL but I want 25BI's, which I can get by the weekend if I have a good next couple of days. I'm also looking into a deucescracked monthly subscription where I just go mad and download everything to a disk during my time with them, unfortunately I withdrew everything from my bank today as I'm going on holiday next year and I need to get that sorted out, so I think I may wait until next month when I'm beating 10NL and attempting shots at 25NL.

Got a couple of sick hands I'll get up tomorrow.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

10NL starting from Monday

So my BR is at about $165 right now, and with 2 full days of doing fuck all approaching me, I hope to take it to close to $250 for next Monday, in which case I'll move to 10NL full time. BRM suggest 20BI, which is $200, but we're only 100BB's deep, so I'd feel more comfortable with $250 behind me which is what I'm aiming for.

Playing really well right now and have immense confidence in my game, I'm running well and it's all going to plan, I just hope it lasts through 10NL too.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Day of Valuetownage

Today was my best day in Poker so far, just under 3k hands so far, and $57 profit from the day. I never anything over $3 in a pot, and while I only won a $19 and a $7 as my biggest pot wins, I played very solid poker and was really patient, picking my spots and picking up loads of decent-ish pots.

This was my $19 pot;

And this was my $7 pot;

terribe from the villain, but what can I say? I'm on my way to PlatinumStar, my BR is $150 so 10NL isn't far away.

Going for PlatinumStar!

If any of you fellow UK players haven't heard about the deal PokerStars are doing, it's as follows;

250-499 - SilverStar (usually 1,200 VPP's).
500-749 - GoldStar (usually 3,000 VPP's).
750-1,199 - PlatinumStar (usually 7,500 VPP's).
1,200-2,999 - 60,000 VPP's added to your account.
3,000-7,499 - 70,000 VPP's added to your account.
7,500+ - 80,000 VPP's added to your account.

I was gonna aim for SilverStar, but I've nearly hit that anyway, then I looked at GoldStar and that looks most likely, but for a challenge and the 150% VPP multiplier, I'm aiming for PlatinumStar. I've written out a bonusbook with all the formula's to reach it, and I'll need 29.35 VPP's per day to reach it, I'll add what I've got at the end of the each day and see if I can reach my target for the next day.

I'll have a better idea whether it's achieveable by the end of the week, but we'll see.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Beat: Mis-Click Folded a Full Boat

FML. Villain said he had a straight, which isn't possible, so whatever, he probably had 9's full, wishful thinking maybe?

But then, on a different table.

But still, FML.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Brag: Signed Copy of Mike's Book

So I log on to twoplustwo this morning and I have a PM from Amy Calistri, the co-writer and editor of Mike's Book, Check-Raising The Devil. She thanked me for my kind words about the book and expressed how cool Mike would think it was that I enjoyed the book and encouraged others to read it, here's a copy of the email.
Wow! Tim (Tim Lavalli, co-writer) and I were on the phone reading your review to each other. Both of us emailed Mike, but we're not sure he's seen it yet. But I know he'll think it's totally cool.

If you would respond with your name and address, I'll make sure Mike personally sends you an autographed copy.

Thanks Again,
Amy Calistri
Obviously I checked her previous posts and what not to check she wasn't just any old joe bloggs trying to send me shit in the post or get my address, but I though this was a nice gesture, I really loved the book and to be sent a brand new signed copy just for reading it and leaving positive feedback on is pretty cool.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Check-Raising The Devil

This is a really awesome book, really awesome, I couldn't put it down. It came yesterday morning, and I'd finished it by this afternoon, I couldn't put it down. I'm not really an avid reader by any means, I enjoy autobiographies and enjoy Poker, so it was perfect, and it didn't fail to amaze me.

Mike Matusow's an interesting character anyway, misunderstood? Maybe. Everyone knows of his drug related problems and mental problems that have occurred because of it, and it was an amazing insight into his early life, through the good times, the bad times and the unlucky times, right through the whole drug dealing scandal and being fucked over by the police.

The chapters were short, but they kept me gripped. I went to bed at about 11pm last night, and I was still reading it at 4am, "just another chapter, just another chapter, okay one more, one more." I finished it off this afternoon and I'd really recommend the book to everyone, I think it's been withheld in American until 12th May because the front cover came out too dark, but when it hits the shop, buy it immediately.

It was humerous in parts, shocking in others but addictive all the way through. I loved it an dit's just a shame I've finished it, I could have gone on reading it for ever.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Hands of the Day

Hand #1.
I don't really know what to make of the hand to be honest, I was donated chips. I was definitely ahead on the flop and was looking to get it in there, and to be honest, I felt like he was trying to push me off air because I cbet, I could have called and let him hang himself on the turn, but I figured he did this with AK, KQ and KJ too, so I wanted to get max value. The Queen wasn't the best card because it made the nut straight, and he could easily have been raising me on the flop with a draw, especially as we're both deep stacked, but obviously I'm never folding this, my heart did jump on the river though, I just hoped to God he didn't have AK.

Hand #2
This guy was playing really nitty, so when he entered the pot I knew he had a big hand. Not much to discuss about the hand to be fair, it played itself, but the flop wasn't too kind as in if he had AA, he had four 3's as outs too.

Hand #3
Three streets of value, surely the villain must have known he was beat at some stage in this hand. I wasn't too scared of the flush, it was the straight I was worried about, but I was 95% sure he had a J or a K along with a pair and was looking for a straight, obviously using that as an excuse to call along with top pair and I managed to get three streets from him.

Hand #4.
I'm not really sure if I was right to shove the turn here, but it gave me decent fold equity if he's holding AJ, straights and flushes got their, as did many 2pairs, I wasn't too fussed if he called or folded as I had TP along with straight and flush draws, probably an excuse to get it in, but I think I can edge him off AJ here as he seemed a solid player.

A Heater, What's That?

I'd forgotten what a heater was until this morning, I just got action with everything. First time in about 7 weeks since I've had a decent run of cards and action consistently, I felt like leaving the tables with my profit but though about it for a second, and decided I'd enjoy my action while it lasted.

Had a really good day today, 1.5k hands and about $30 profit, taken my BR up to $85 which is good news, I really can't wait to get back to 10NL, or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself? Maybe I'll go back on a swing and be back to where I was, an hour long heater and I'm thinking of the next level? Bahhh, fuck it, I'm happy with my game for the first time in ages so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

The saying "you get out of your game what you put in" has never rung truer. I spent hours looking through PokerTracker 3 the other day and it's all coming to fruition, I've plugged some leaks which including calling too many raises OOP, and showing down too much junk. Also I wasn't really defending my smaller hands too often, I folding a hell of a lot and my non-showdown winnings was terrible, I'd give up so easily and allowed to be bluffed out of all kinds of pots, but I've looked at it, worked on and had a positive 3 days since.

I'm still trying to get a hand converter to work here, if anyone's reading this and they've used one on their blog which doesn't move the images to the next line, hook me up please!

Harrington on Cash Games v2 and Mike Matusow's autobiography came this morning too!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Last Night & 5NL Full Time

Ahhh finally. Firsty, last night was fucked. Originally I met 2 mates down the pub for the football, which didn't go well, we were 2-0 down inside 12 minutes, needing 4 goals to win, so we had pretty much lost already. The pub was a little shit so we went out at half time and found a better one, I was sitting there and all of a sudden one of those moments occur, where you say something and everything goes quiet when you say it. "Fuck this man, this is an old mans pub." Literally everyone around me went quiet when I said it, 3 old blokes looked around and at me whilst me and my mate just burst into tears laughing uncontrollably, which was fair enough in my opinion, we were the only 18-19 year olds in there while there were three 20-26 girls across the room, and the rest were 40 year-old+ old blokes. So anyway, when it finished we went to Subway for something to eat, and my 2 mates wanted to go clubbing, I wasn't really dressed for it and neither were my 2 mates, but they decided to go to Kingston anyways and try to get in somewhere, and if all else failed, we'd go Cinema and watch X-Man Origins.

We ended up going to Kingston Uni and trying to get into their library, which didn't work, and all the clubs were shut (which I knew anyway, but they were adament they'd get into a student bar somewhere), so yeah, the cinema was shut aswell. FML. So we went to the train station and didn't get a pass at the station, just jumped straight on the train, then the conductor came, we decided to get off and walk back up the way he came and get on again, but he opened the doors where we were getting off so it was impossible, so we were stuck in no where at 11:10, no buses were running where we wanted to go, plus the last train was approaching and quick, we were fucked to put it mildly.

We decided to get a train to Richmond, where we'd get a night bus to where ever it goes and walk to my place while my mate would crash for the night. Fortunatly the train went to Twickenham on the way to Richmond, which was where we started, and my last bus ran until 11:49, so I was hoping I didn't miss it, or else I'd have a 2hour walk back home (which I've done before drunk, fun times). He stayed on and got his Mum to pick him up in Richmond (I feel sorry for her, coming all the way from Kensal Rise), and I managed to catch the last bus where I had an interesting encounter with a women at the bus stop. She decided to stand in front of the bus stand with her back to it while facing the other way, I walked up and stood behind her to look at the bus times, and she jumped in the air, screamed and jumped around to me. I looked at her, raised my eyebrow and asked her what her problem was and she was like "I thought you were trying to go through my bag." I laughed, she laughed, and then she proceeded to walk on. When my bus came, I got on it and she got on next stop, moral of the story is, she was still afraid of me. LOL. I got home at 12:30, browsed the net for a little and went to my sisters for the night (babysitting duties ftw!).

Back to Poker though, and I spent 4 hours on Monday looking through PokerTracker to compare what was happened to my game which was causing me to breakeven at 2NL and 5NL (lol!). I went through all the filters, saved them as .png's and then compared them at the end from when I was winning comfortably, to now, and the result were shocking, the thread can be found here (not all my findings are there). I was showing down so much shit, and I was calling so much OOP it was untrue, so I've tightened right up and am up 4BI today, at 22ptbb/100. To be fair though, I did suck out on one pot, which I'll get up later as the hand converter's being a bit of a bitch, but I got some action on a couple of sets and what not, although I did bluff away a BI overall aswell, so it could have been better.

I've been sucked out on so much, I feel as bad as someone farting in church now that I've sucked out on the river.

I feel dirty!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

My PokerTracker Review

Here are the comparisons, the top is the good times, bottom is the swing/break even, this is more for myself more than anything, so I can review it properly aswell as hopefully getting some suggestions from some higher stakes regs.

(I will be comparing 5NL, as the sample size at 10NL is too small, and 2NL includes me messing around with some stuff recently.)

GENERAL - PLAYER SUMMARY (click to enlarge)

As you can see this went downhill completely. My win rate was severally effected, not really much I can gather from these except that I was leaking, and leaking violently. I beat 2NL comprehensively, and 5NL was just as easy if a little less fishier, although still 95% fish at the level, I started off at 10NL on a heater I guess and that went down the drain, although I didn't really see much of a step up in my time there to be fair.

GENERAL - PLAYER STATISTICS (click to enlarge)

VP$IP & PFR - This is where I can really tell where I was leaking from. I kept a similar starting hand range, except I got a little more aggressive, I guess this is where I started raising all PP's in all positions and really learnt the value of set mining, perhaps at 5NL I can limp my low-mid PP's in early position instead of raising the 5xBB everytime I enter with them except iso-raising and if it's folded around to me in late position.

W$WSF - Hmm, this is strange, I actually improved this statistic by ~2.77%. Maybe this is because I took down more pots on the flop by cbetting my PP's instead of passively giving up when I missed when I limped in before.

WTSD% - I went to showdown .69% more, which isn't huge I suppose, so I don't think this is hugely relevant to be fair, the next statistic (W$SD%) will tell me if I've been showing down a lot worse than before.

W$SD% - I lost at the showdown 4.05% less than before, which seems pretty relevant. Have I opened my range up a bit more and taken them too far when I could perhaps have folded before hand? Seems like it.

Aggression Factor
- Wow, .56 higher, which is about 35%, this is huge. My aggression has cranked up a ton, is this really needed at these stakes? Well 'mcfals02' had an AF of 4.05 @ 5NL, I'm not sure on the sample size, but his is monstrous to mine so is this one of the factor's behind me leaking money somewhere? Maybe.

Aggression Frequency - This has moved up 6.01% aswell, as expected, so the same conclusion can be taken from the previous statistic (AF), maybe this is a problem combined with something else? Although this is the same as 'mcfals02's, so I'm unsure.

3bet, F3bet, Att.Steal, C3bet
- These are all pretty similar apart from my 3bet%. I personally think this is fine in my opinion, if anything my previous statistic was too low and most 3bets at these stakes are perceived as AA or KK, so I think this is certainly an improvement, tell me if I'm wrong?

Flop, Turn, River AF - A rise of 0.96% on the flop, .43% on the turn and a drop of .23% on the river. These are big numbers in relation to the size of the general %, so perhaps I need to learn more about cbetting flops, learning when's a good time to double barrel and perhaps when I can valuebet on the river?

CCPF - .38% down, which isn't really huge, I don't think this bares any major relevance, although maybe I can get it back up a little. My 3bet has risen and my cold calling has dropped, so maybe my aggression has taken over a little here again?

Fold to flop cbet - One thing I don't do enough, float or reraise a dry flop, like 'mcfals02' said, too much fit and fold IMO, I'll look at good spots to raise and good spots to float, another thing I'll work on.

Overall - It seems I've got a little more aggressive, which could be something. I think my AF & AFq was a little too different to what it was, maybe I can tone this down and just concentrate on seeing cheap opportunities to take down bigger pots? Overall not much changed massively except my aggression, which has alarm bells ringing for sure.


As you can see I learnt a bit more about position, although I didn't really abuse the button as some would say. Amazingly, my biggest winning position, the button, turned into my biggest loser (except the blinds), I'm losing money on the button! I've got a similar W$WSF, but my aggression is putting more money in the pot which is probably a major factor here, I'm losing a lot, but my Win % has risen, my W$SD% has dropped nearly 10% which tells me I'm showing down a lot of junk, but I've gone to showdown about 5% less, which is weird.


Not a lot I can gain from this except the huge variance levels compared to that of before, over a similar sample size. My Non-Showdown's is on course, that's the same, it's the showdowns which are killing me, I'm showing down a lot of junk when I see a showdown, which I think I need to work on.


I would really appreciate it if anyone's bored or whatever if they could look over this and suggest anything I may have missed, or even suggest more important statistics which are available in PT. My showdowns look like a big leak as does perhaps my aggression? I think I may change to a little more passive style for the mean time, not going overly aggressive with low-mid PP's preflop, and generally analyse hands a little more and look for spots to fold rather than looking for spots to call, after all, I should be laying back and allowing the fish to give me their money, instead of me looking to take it, right?

Monday, 4 May 2009

Targetting the 45 mans

So I'm kinda miffed at my swing continuing, I'm beating 2NL and 5NL but barely, although I'm obviously gonna continue to play 5NL as I know I beat it, although the ptbb/100 is at about 4 after 1k hands, not a big sample size but compared to the 9 it was before, it's disheartening as I thought I could get over this swing/breakeven stretch.

I take the fishes money and proceed to valuebet the shit out of them, but I spew money somewhere, I need to look at it tomorrow in PT. It's comparable to that off filling up your swimming pool, going inside to get a drink and coming back and half of it's gone, it's wierd.

But yeah, the $1 45 mans are my target at the moment, just to explore my options of building a roll. I'm rolled for them barely (50BIs) so I think I'll give them a far shot and if I can profit in a few, then I might start grinding them hard in long sessions to get to 10NL quicker.

Happy May Day btw! lol.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Oops, [ ] BRM

So I got bored at 2NL, I can't grind 9 tables for 4 hours, get 2 coolers at the end and be about $2 in profit, I just can't take it anymore. Even when I'm not getting coolered I just can't profit at it, I'm beating it for about 2ptbb/100, which is gonna take me an age to hit 5NL again, especially as I've probably played 10k hands and am up about $8. [ ] Suicide.

I know $50 isn't enough to be playing 5NL, especially as I can't deposit again (I'm sure I could if I needed too :P ), so I'm buying in for 100BB's, not 200, so $5, the same as 2NL. Obviously the variance is gonna be a lot higher, but I know I can beat it well and my game is suited the more I move up, so it'll be a lot more bearable.

I was considering grinding the $3.40 45 mans, but again, [ ] rolled. $1.10 45 mans, [ ] time. I'm at my sisters and the shopping is expected any minute so I didn't wanna load 4/6 tables up and then have to go away for 15 minutes while it's all delivered, so I decided I was gonna do it when I got home tonight. But, then I decided to go for 5NL, and I lost half a BI when my TT's AI on the flop lost to JJ, 259r board, I was pretty sure he had an overpair aswell, so that focused me a lot more too.

So far so good though, got that half BI back plus a little more plus playing a solid pure TAG game, folding KJ UTG, folding KQo to a raise and a call, playing premiums and set mining, and it appears to be working so far, although I've yet to get caught in a tough spot so we'll see.

The road to valuetown is a pretty one IMO.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

BRM Changes

I was reading 2+2 yesterday and someone mentioned BRM at the micros and how important it is, when in reality, at 2NL and 5NL, maybe 10NL, it doesn't have to be that strict. I mean, a fair bankroll is needed, I wouldn't feel comfortable at 5NL with the BR I have now simply because I don't want to have to redeposit, but $200 for 5NL is a little extreme, so I've decided that I'll move when I have $120.

Why not $100? Well because I want to move down if I drop to $100, my game isn't smooth at all and I'm barely profiting at 2NL right now, I just can't settle there and simplify my game to where it was when I was beating it at 17ptbb/100, I'm not too sure what it is, but I think my game is a lot more suited to 10NL+, so the quicker I get back there, the better.

5NL: $120
10NL: $200

I'll drop back to 5NL at $150, so I'll give myself a fair shot at 10NL again.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Phew, Found the Sweetspot

So yeah, I've finally remember how passive 2NL is and how to keep grinding a profit without even receiving decent cards. Bet, cbet, double barrel, SHIP IT! Was looking around the blog scene and looking at some old 2NL posts I've seen from a few people and most of them were very tight, but not aggressive or passive, which I guess is where it becomes situational.

Looking back at my old 2NL graph when I was beating it at 17ptbb/100, it was going up the whole time, I looked at my new one and it was going down, I guess the problem was my non-showdown winnings. I've took my game a little more aggressive and I've got it going upwards again over 2k hands today, and my non-showdown winnings has improved too, so I've found the sweet spot.

I kinda feel good about my game, because where most people on a swing of my size would give up, or move up, I've taken great time and patience to look into my game and moved right to the very bottom to start again, I think a lot of different game plans were running through my head before and I was combining them all miserably, now I've found the right one I think I can probably use it to effect up to 10NL, by which time I'll look into shifting it for 25NL.

Will probably get another 1k hands done this evening, maybe more, and I'll get a graph up on Sunday, the same day where I'll be updating my BR on the right hand side, s'at $51 at the moment.