Here are the comparisons, the top is the good times, bottom is the swing/break even, this is more for myself more than anything, so I can review it properly aswell as hopefully getting some suggestions from some higher stakes regs.
(I will be comparing 5NL, as the sample size at 10NL is too small, and 2NL includes me messing around with some stuff recently.)GENERAL - PLAYER SUMMARY (click to enlarge)

As you can see this went downhill completely. My win rate was severally effected, not really much I can gather from these except that I was leaking, and leaking violently. I beat 2NL comprehensively, and 5NL was just as easy if a little less fishier, although still 95% fish at the level, I started off at 10NL on a heater I guess and that went down the drain, although I didn't really see much of a step up in my time there to be fair.
GENERAL - PLAYER STATISTICS (click to enlarge)

VP$IP & PFR - This is where I can really tell where I was leaking from. I kept a similar starting hand range, except I got a little more aggressive, I guess this is where I started raising all PP's in all positions and really learnt the value of set mining, perhaps at 5NL I can limp my low-mid PP's in early position instead of raising the 5xBB everytime I enter with them except iso-raising and if it's folded around to me in late position.
W$WSF - Hmm, this is strange, I actually improved this statistic by ~2.77%. Maybe this is because I took down more pots on the flop by cbetting my PP's instead of passively giving up when I missed when I limped in before.
WTSD% - I went to showdown .69% more, which isn't huge I suppose, so I don't think this is hugely relevant to be fair, the next statistic (W$SD%) will tell me if I've been showing down a lot worse than before.
W$SD% - I lost at the showdown 4.05% less than before, which seems pretty relevant. Have I opened my range up a bit more and taken them too far when I could perhaps have folded before hand? Seems like it.
Aggression Factor - Wow, .56 higher, which is about 35%, this is huge. My aggression has cranked up a
ton, is this really needed at these stakes? Well '
mcfals02' had an AF of 4.05 @ 5NL, I'm not sure on the sample size, but his is monstrous to mine so is this one of the factor's behind me leaking money somewhere? Maybe.
Aggression Frequency - This has moved up 6.01% aswell, as expected, so the same conclusion can be taken from the previous statistic (AF), maybe this is a problem combined with something else? Although this is the same as '
mcfals02's, so I'm unsure.
3bet, F3bet, Att.Steal, C3bet - These are all pretty similar apart from my 3bet%. I personally think this is fine in my opinion, if anything my previous statistic was too low and most 3bets at these stakes are perceived as AA or KK, so I think this is certainly an improvement, tell me if I'm wrong?
Flop, Turn, River AF - A rise of 0.96% on the flop, .43% on the turn and a drop of .23% on the river. These are big numbers in relation to the size of the general %, so perhaps I need to learn more about cbetting flops, learning when's a good time to double barrel and perhaps when I can valuebet on the river?
CCPF - .38% down, which isn't really huge, I don't think this bares any major relevance, although maybe I can get it back up a little. My 3bet has risen and my cold calling has dropped, so maybe my aggression has taken over a little here again?
Fold to flop cbet - One thing I don't do enough, float or reraise a dry flop, like '
mcfals02' said, too much fit and fold IMO, I'll look at good spots to raise and good spots to float, another thing I'll work on.
Overall - It seems I've got a little more aggressive, which could be something. I think my AF & AFq was a little too different to what it was, maybe I can tone this down and just concentrate on seeing cheap opportunities to take down bigger pots? Overall not much changed massively except my aggression, which has alarm bells ringing for sure.

As you can see I learnt a bit more about position, although I didn't really abuse the button as some would say. Amazingly, my biggest winning position, the button, turned into my biggest loser (except the blinds), I'm losing money on the button! I've got a similar W$WSF, but my aggression is putting more money in the pot which is probably a major factor here, I'm losing a lot, but my Win % has risen, my W$SD% has dropped nearly 10% which tells me I'm showing down a lot of junk, but I've gone to showdown about 5% less, which is weird.

Not a lot I can gain from this except the huge variance levels compared to that of before, over a similar sample size. My Non-Showdown's is on course, that's the same, it's the showdowns which are killing me, I'm showing down a lot of junk when I see a showdown, which I think I need to work on.
I would really appreciate it if anyone's bored or whatever if they could look over this and suggest anything I may have missed, or even suggest more important statistics which are available in PT. My showdowns look like a big leak as does perhaps my aggression? I think I may change to a little more passive style for the mean time, not going overly aggressive with low-mid PP's preflop, and generally analyse hands a little more and look for spots to fold rather than looking for spots to call, after all, I should be laying back and allowing the fish to give me their money, instead of me looking to take it, right?